Wine lovers get ready for your next destination and add Pigeon Forge to your itinerary. The Mountain Valley Winery is a gem in a string of beauties on the Rocky Top Wine Trail. Venture into Tennessee and discover an abundance of delicious wine samples, ripe for the tasting. You’ll find several wineries in the Smoky Mountains that lay claim to fame as the Rocky Top Wine Trail in the Sevierville, Pigeon Forge, and Gatlinburg areas. They include the Mountain Valley Winery, the Apple Barn Winery,Sugarland Cellars, Eagle Springs Winery and the Hillside Winery. Apple wines, fruit wines, and classic Italian wines are there for the taking, providing something for each individual taste. Wines are divided into classifications of semi-sweet, dessert or sparkling, and dry to help visitors in their selection. Name your pleasure and you’re sure to find a wine to your liking in these quaint, small wineries. Sampling is free and if you visit each winery on the Rocky Top Wine Trail, you’ll be given a passport that will earn you a souvenir glass when your journey is complete.
The Mountain Valley Winery
You’ll be impressed by the beautiful building and landscaping when you first arrive at the Mountain Valley Winery. Step inside and find a broad selection, including national award winners. Sample port wines, bubbly wines, dry selections, club wines,sweet wines, and semi sweet in order to find the right wine for you. The wine is made locally in Tennessee where the conditions are perfect for growing luscious grapes on the vine.This is definitely a must for anyone who takes great pride in American-made products. First rate wines are coming out of Pigeon Forge.
The Rocky Top Wine Trail
If you’re still looking for more after a trip to the Mountain Valley Winery, our other quality wineries are located within a radius of three miles! The Hillside Winery specializes in bubbly and Italian-style wines while the Apple Barn Winery provides you with an assortment of fruit-bases wines. Tantalize the tongue and enjoy the charm of Pigeon Forge as you journey to each of our wineries. Take a day, pack a picnic, and be prepared to bring something home to grace your table at dinner. You’re sure to enjoy your experience on the Rocky Top Wine Trail and can share our fine wines with friends and family along the way. Give yourself a treat for the eyes and the palate when you stop in Pigeon Forge and our three wineries.